Poetry Writing Templates: Tools To Help You Write Your Best Poems

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Are you tired of feeling stuck in your poetry writing? Do you find yourself struggling to come up with new ideas or fresh language? Well, fear not! Poetry writing templates may just be the tool you need to take your writing to the next level.

By utilizing the structure and guidelines provided by these templates, you can experiment with different poetic forms and free verse structures, ultimately creating more dynamic and engaging poems.

Whether you consider yourself a seasoned poet or a beginner, these templates can help you improve your craft and inspire new ideas.

So, let’s dive in and explore how poetry writing templates can help you write your best poems yet!

Key Takeaways

  • Poetry writing templates provide structure and guidelines for different poetic forms, making it easier to stay focused on your message and create a clear and concise theme.
  • Traditional poetic forms like Sonnets, Haikus, and Villanelles can help structure your poems and create a more impactful message, but require mastery of meter and rhyme scheme.
  • Contemporary free verse poetry allows for experimentation with form and structure, characterized by its absence of rhyme and meter.
  • Experimenting with different forms and styles, personalization techniques, and creative prompts can help expand your poetic repertoire and take your poetry to the next level.

Traditional Poetic Forms

If you want to improve your poetry writing skills, it’s time to explore traditional poetic forms like Sonnets, Haikus, and Villanelles. These templates will help you structure your poems and create a more impactful message.

With Sonnets, you can follow the 14-line structure to express your emotions and tell a story.

Haikus, on the other hand, are perfect for capturing a moment in time with just 17 syllables.

Lastly, Villanelles can help you repeat a key message throughout your poem while adding lyrical depth.


You’ll find that sonnets can be a challenging but rewarding form of poetry to master. The sonnet is a 14-line poem that originated in Italy and was popularized by Shakespeare in England.

There are two main types of sonnets: Shakespearean, which follows the rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, and Petrarchan, which follows the rhyme scheme ABBA ABBA CDCDCD or CDECDE.

The key to writing a successful sonnet is mastering the meter. Sonnets are typically written in iambic pentameter, which means each line has ten syllables and follows a pattern of unstressed/stressed syllables. However, some poets choose to write sonnets in trochaic tetrameter, which follows a pattern of stressed/unstressed syllables.

Regardless of the meter you choose, writing a sonnet requires skill and practice. But once you’ve mastered this form, you’ll have a powerful tool in your poetic arsenal.

understanding meter and practicing how to write a sonnet
Understanding meter and practicing how to write a sonnet


Haikus are the perfect way to capture the essence of a moment in just three short lines, creating vivid and powerful imagery in the reader’s mind.

Nature inspired haikus are particularly powerful as they allow us to connect with the natural world on a deeper level. They can transport us to a serene, peaceful place with just a few words.

Haikus can also be used for emotional expression. They’re a powerful tool to convey complex emotions in a concise and impactful way. Whether it’s joy, sadness, or even anger, haikus can help us express our feelings in a way that’s both beautiful and cathartic.

So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by emotion, try writing a haiku and see how it helps you process those feelings.


Listen closely to the rhythmic repetition of the refrains in villanelles, allowing the words to wrap around you like a warm embrace.

Villanelles are a form of poetry that originated in France and are known for their intricate repetition of lines. It may seem daunting at first, but revisiting villanelles can help you master the form and break tradition by modernizing it.

To start, familiarize yourself with the structure of a villanelle. It consists of 19 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme and two repeating refrains. The first and third lines of the first stanza become the refrain lines, and they alternate as the last line of each subsequent tercet until the final quatrain where they both appear again.

Once you have grasped this, you can start breaking the rules and experimenting with modernizing villanelles. Try using unconventional refrains or changing the rhyme scheme to make it your own.

With some practice and creativity, you can create a fresh and innovative take on this traditional form.

Contemporary Free Verse Structures

If you’re looking for a way to break free from traditional structures, contemporary free verse poetry can be a canvas where your thoughts flow like a river, unencumbered by rhyme and meter. This type of poetry is characterized by its absence of rhyme and meter, which allows the writer to experiment with form and structure.

Contemporary free verse poetry is all about expressing your thoughts and emotions in a way that feels natural to you, without the constraints of a preconceived structure. One popular form of contemporary free verse poetry is blank verse, which is a form of poetry that uses unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter. This structure allows for a natural flow of language and can be used to create a sense of rhythm and musicality in your poetry.

writing a poem by expressing your thoughts and emotions
Writing a poem by expressing your thoughts and emotions

Another popular form of contemporary free verse poetry is concrete poetry, which uses the physical arrangement of the words on the page to create meaning. This type of poetry allows the writer to experiment with the visual aspect of their work, creating a unique and immersive experience for the reader.

So if you’re looking to break free from traditional structures and experiment with new forms of poetry, contemporary free verse structures may be just what you need.

Using Poetry Writing Templates to Improve Your Craft

You’ve been exploring the various contemporary free verse structures and experimenting with different ways to structure your poems.

But have you ever considered using customizable templates to improve your poetry writing? Templates are an excellent tool for streamlining your creative process, providing a structure for your thoughts, and helping you create more polished poems.

Customizable templates allow you to choose the structure that best suits your style and subject matter. You can select the number of stanzas, lines per stanza, and even the rhyme scheme. This gives you a starting point for your poem and helps you avoid the dreaded writer’s block.

Using a template can also help you stay focused on your message, ensuring that your poem has a clear and concise theme. The benefits of structure are numerous, and customizable templates provide an easy and effective way to incorporate it into your poetry writing.

So why not give it a try and see how it can take your poetry to the next level?

Tips for Experimenting with Poetry Writing Templates

Experimenting with customizable structures allows for greater creativity and flexibility in crafting meaningful verses. Creative prompts are a great way to spark inspiration and can be tailored to fit your personal writing style.

By using templates, you can focus on the content of your poem without worrying too much about structure. This will allow you to experiment with different forms and styles that you may not have considered before. Personalization techniques are another way to make a template your own.

Changing the length of lines, syllable count, or even the order of stanzas can completely transform the meaning of a poem. Don’t be afraid to play around with the template until it feels like it truly embodies your voice and message. The beauty of poetry is that there’s no one right way to do it, so don’t be afraid to take risks.

By using customizable structures and personalization techniques, you can push the boundaries of traditional poetry and create something truly unique.

Teaching how to write poetry using templates


So there you have it, aspiring poets! With the help of poetry writing templates, you can elevate your writing and explore new forms and structures.

From traditional poetic forms to contemporary free verse, there is a template out there to suit every writer’s style and preferences. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different templates and techniques, and remember that writing poetry is all about expressing yourself and your unique voice.

With the right tools and a bit of practice, you can create truly breathtaking and impactful works of art. So go forth and write, and let your imagination run wild.

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Jessica started off as an avid book reader. After reading one too many romance novels (really... is it ever really enough?), she decided to jump to the other side and started writing her own stories. She now shares what she has learned (the good and the not so good) here at When You Write, hoping she can inspire more up and coming wordsmiths to take the leap and share their own stories with the world.