What Does IKR Mean in Text? That & 5 Other Slang Terms

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what does ikr mean in text

Social media and texting apps are full of slang; some old, some new. For many people, using slang seems cool, but it’s also because we just don’t have time to write everything in full.

I mean, we have a lot of time, but there are a bunch of things that are shortening our attention spans, especially on the internet. There are just too many things to be done at once!

So, it’s crispier and timesaving to use abbreviations like tbh, omw, idc, fr, obvs, or atm.

But… What do these ‘words’ mean? What does IKR mean in text? How do we use IKR? And when is it okay to use it?

Read on to find out.

What Does IKR Mean in Text

The slang, IKR, is an abbreviation of “I know, right?” It means that the writer agrees with something she’s commenting on.

“I know right” is a question, although it’s not used as one. Think about it. When you put the “right” after the first two words, it turns the phrase into a question. “I know” is already an acknowledgment—by the writer—of the sentiment or point that she/he is commenting on.  

However, it is not used as a plain question but a rhetorical one that shows the writer’s acknowledgment of the initial comment, text, email, or post.


  • Texter 1: We could have left the party earlier because it was so dead.
  • Texter 2: Ikr.

In this case, “Texter 2” agrees that the party was boring and they should have left the venue sooner than they did.

Although it is mostly used as a phrase that implies agreement or acknowledgment, IKR can also be used to convey some sarcasm, express relief, or show excitement.

Most of the slang used on the internet is thought to have been created by the current younger generations, but most of it has been around for decades. IKR is a perfect example; this slang has been in use since the early 1990s but appeared in electronic messaging in the early 2000s.

ikr text message

How to Use IKR

Most of the abbreviations used when texting or on social media do not sound as good when spoken.

Of course, there are slang bits that are just as good when said verbally (i.e., OMG and BFF), but those are just a few exceptions.

So, IKR and the like should be used only when texting, in a friendly email, or on social media posts.



Texter 1: I was excited to hear that there are no classes the whole of next week.

Texter 2: Ikr. I feel like I could use a break!


Texter 1: The book did not live up to the hype, ugh!

Texter 2: Ikr, I was so pissed!

Other Texting Slang Terms

other texting slang terms


TBH stands for “to be honest.”

It is usually used when the writer intends to say a harsh truth or share an honest opinion.


Texter 1: I do not want Eva on this team anymore.

Texter 2: Tbh, she did not want to be on your team.


It stands for “I don’t care.”

When Idc is used, the writer wants the reader to know that they care about what the other person said. The message is clear considering that the writer can only manage to write three letters instead of nine.


Texter 1: You know what? Your tone is aggressive.

Texter 2: idc.


Idgaf is the vulgar version of the Idc and is very offensive.


Texter: Jane’s feelings were hurt by your text.

Texter: Idgaf.


woman working with abbreviation irl on her tablet
Woman working with abbreviation IRL on her tablet.

Irl stands for “In real life.”

Irl is used when someone wants to explain how something or some scenario would be in real life. For instance, if keyboard warriors are trying to be too clever, one can remind them how social media situations are a bit different from real life.


Texter 1: You can’t do anything to me. Shut up!

Texter 2: The thing is, irl, your fists, not your keyboard, speak for you.


Tbf stands for “to be fair.”

It is used when the writer wants to deliver an opinion or counterargument that they feel is rational.


Texter 1: It’s absurd how the company laid him off.

Texter 2: Tbf, he was the laziest worker they had and he knew that.


Imo stands for “in my opinion.”

It is used to express the writer’s thoughts/sentiment/take on the topic under discussion.


Texter 1: I did what I thought was best for both of us.

Texter 2: You did a good job, imo.


Technology has brought change, and one of the things it has had a great impact on is language.

With its own slang and abbreviations, cyberspace has changed the language to the point that Shakespeare would have a tough time learning new conversational “English.”

But… the shorter slang and abbreviations work for most of us. It’s faster to write something with such abbreviations considering that there are just a lot of things to do in a short, 24-hour day.

Abbreviations such as IKR simplify casual digital communication when you know what they mean in text. And… you don’t have to be the grammar police every time you text your friends. Learn some new slang terms and save yourself some time when texting.

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Jessica started off as an avid book reader. After reading one too many romance novels (really... is it ever really enough?), she decided to jump to the other side and started writing her own stories. She now shares what she has learned (the good and the not so good) here at When You Write, hoping she can inspire more up and coming wordsmiths to take the leap and share their own stories with the world.