A Brief History Of Short Stories: How And When They Were Developed

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Have you ever found yourself captivated by a short story, drawn in by its brevity and the power of its words? Short stories have been around for centuries, but their development and evolution have been a fascinating journey.

In this article, you will delve into the history of short stories, exploring how they emerged and the impact they have had on the literary world. From the earliest forms of storytelling to the modern-day short story, the journey has been a long and winding one.

You will discover the origins of short stories and how they have evolved over time, from ancient fables to contemporary tales. You will also learn about the Golden Age of Short Stories, a period of time when they were at their peak, and how they continue to shape the literary landscape today.

So, buckle up and get ready to explore the rich history of short stories and the impact they have had on the world of literature.

Key Takeaways

  • Short stories began as oral tales for moral lessons or cultural beliefs
  • They evolved to be written down and preserved as a literary force in the late 19th century
  • Short stories experienced experimental techniques during the rise of literary magazines and journals
  • They had a Golden Age from the 1920s to the 1950s with opportunities from radio and cinema

The Origins of Short Stories

You might be surprised to learn that short stories actually began as oral tales told around the campfire or at social gatherings. These oral storytelling traditions were passed down from generation to generation as a way to entertain and educate listeners.

In fact, ancient short narratives can be traced back to the earliest civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. Short stories were often used as a way to convey moral lessons or to share cultural beliefs and traditions. These tales were usually brief and to the point, making them easy to remember and retell.

Over time, short stories evolved and were eventually written down, allowing them to be preserved and shared with a wider audience. Today, short stories continue to be an important part of literature, providing a way for writers to explore complex themes and ideas in a concise and impactful way.

The Emergence of the Modern Short Story

The modern short story emerged during the late 19th century, becoming a literary force to be reckoned with and proving that good things really do come in small packages.

With the rise of literary magazines and journals, writers were able to experiment with structure and technique in a way that wasn’t possible before. This led to the evolution of short story structure, with authors like Edgar Allan Poe and Anton Chekhov pushing the boundaries of what was considered acceptable at the time.

Experimental short story techniques were also on the rise during this period, with writers like James Joyce and Virginia Woolf using stream of consciousness narration and non-linear storytelling to create immersive and thought-provoking works. These techniques allowed for a deeper exploration of the human psyche and challenged readers to engage with the story in new and exciting ways.

As the modern short story continued to develop, it opened up new possibilities for writers and readers alike, proving that innovation and creativity can thrive even within the confines of a smaller literary form.

reading a short story from the 1920s
Reading a short story from the 1920s

The Golden Age of Short Stories

Get ready to travel back in time to the era of the Golden Age of Short Stories, where readers were captivated by the works of iconic authors such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Dorothy Parker.

This period, which lasted from the 1920s to the 1950s, witnessed an explosion of creativity and a renaissance of the written word. During this time, the short story genre reached its peak, with many writers achieving great success and recognition for their works.

The impact of technology on the publishing industry was one of the defining features of the Golden Age of Short Stories. The rise of radio and cinema created new opportunities for writers to reach larger audiences, while advances in printing technology made it easier and more affordable to distribute books and magazines.

This allowed short story writers to hone their craft and experiment with new styles and techniques, resulting in some of the most memorable and enduring works of the modern era.

Contemporary Short Story Trends

Nowadays, writers are experimenting with new forms and styles in short fiction, including the use of non-linear narratives and unconventional structures, challenging traditional storytelling methods. This experimentation has led to a surge of creativity in the short story genre, with authors pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Here are three ways that writers are innovating in their approach to short stories:

  1. Playing with form: Many contemporary short stories are experimenting with structure, using techniques such as flashbacks, fragmented timelines, or multiple narrators to create a more complex and immersive reading experience.
  2. Embracing diversity and inclusivity: Short stories are also becoming more diverse in terms of representation, with writers exploring a wider range of perspectives and experiences. This trend is helping to break down barriers and promote empathy and understanding.
  3. Blurring the lines between genres: Some writers are mixing elements of different genres, such as science fiction, horror, or magical realism, to create unique and surprising stories that defy easy categorization.

Overall, the contemporary short story scene is a vibrant and exciting space, with writers constantly pushing the boundaries of the form. Whether you’re a fan of traditional storytelling or looking for something more experimental, there’s sure to be a short story out there for you.

Writing and Publishing Short Stories

If you’re interested in writing and publishing short stories, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

First, it’s important to understand the elements of a successful short story, such as the importance of a strong opening, well-developed characters, and a satisfying ending.

Next, you’ll need to research potential publishers and markets for your work, and learn how to write effective query letters.

Finally, there are many resources available to aspiring short story writers, including workshops, writing groups, and online communities.

Don’t forget to take advantage of these resources to improve your craft and increase your chances of success.

Tips for Writing Short Stories

Crafting compelling short stories is all about honing your writing skills and finding the right balance between plot, characters, and pacing. As you sit down to write your short story, keep in mind these three tips to make your story stand out:

  1. Develop your characters: Your characters are the heart and soul of your story, so it’s important to give them depth and complexity. Think about their motivations, fears, and desires, and use these to create well-rounded characters that readers can relate to.
  2. Structure your plot: Every good story has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Make sure your story has a strong opening that hooks the reader, a middle that builds tension and conflict, and an ending that ties everything together.
  3. Pay attention to pacing: Pacing is key in a short story. You need to keep the story moving forward while also allowing the reader time to process what’s happening. Vary your sentence structure and use dialogue to break up long paragraphs and keep the story flowing.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to craft a short story that engages your readers and leaves them wanting more. Remember, it’s all about finding the right balance between character development, plot structure, and pacing to create a truly compelling story.

Finding Publishers and Markets

Now that you’ve got some tips for writing short stories, it’s time to think about getting your work published. If you’re serious about becoming a published author, you’ll need to find a literary agent.

A literary agent is someone who acts as a middleman between authors and publishers. They help authors find the right publishers for their work and negotiate contracts on their behalf.

Looking for publishing companies online to submit a short story
Looking for publishing companies online to submit a short story

There are many resources available to help you find literary agents who are looking for short stories. You can start by doing some research online and looking for agents who specialize in your genre.

You can also attend writing conferences and events to meet agents in person and pitch your work directly to them. If you’re not interested in working with a literary agent, there are also self-publishing options available that allow you to publish your work independently and sell it online.

With so many options available, there’s no reason why you can’t get your short stories out into the world and start building your audience today.

Resources for Aspiring Short Story Writers

You might be surprised to learn that as an aspiring short story writer, there are a plethora of resources available to help you hone your craft and get your work published. Here are some of the most helpful ones:

  1. Writing Workshops: Many writing workshops offer classes specifically geared towards short story writing. These can help you learn new writing techniques and get feedback on your work.
  2. Writing Groups: Joining a writing group can give you the opportunity to share your work with others and get constructive criticism. It can also provide accountability and motivation to keep writing.
  3. Literary Magazines: Submitting your work to literary magazines can help you build a portfolio and get your name out there. Plus, many literary magazines offer contests with cash prizes.
  4. Online Resources: There are many websites and blogs dedicated to short story writing. These can provide tips on common pitfalls to avoid and offer inspiration for new ideas.

By taking advantage of these resources, you can improve your writing skills and increase your chances of getting published. Just remember to stay persistent and keep writing, even when faced with rejection or setbacks.


As we embark on a journey through the annals of literary history, tracing the evolution of short stories, we unveil a captivating progression that mirrors the very growth of human imagination.

Originating as ancient oral traditions, where tales of courage and intrigue echoed around campfires, short stories have traversed time, morphing into the concise yet powerful narratives we recognize today.

It was during the emergence of the modern short story that literary giants like Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne reshaped the landscape with their ability to craft intricate worlds within confined spaces. The subsequent Golden Age of Short Stories, graced by luminaries such as Anton Chekhov and Guy de Maupassant, marked the pinnacle of their influence.

Even in the contemporary realm, where new trends and themes continue to emerge, the allure of short stories persists, captivating writers and readers alike. This enduring journey stands as a testament to the boundless capabilities of brevity and imagination—a reminder that great things can indeed come in small packages.

Photo of author


Jessica started off as an avid book reader. After reading one too many romance novels (really... is it ever really enough?), she decided to jump to the other side and started writing her own stories. She now shares what she has learned (the good and the not so good) here at When You Write, hoping she can inspire more up and coming wordsmiths to take the leap and share their own stories with the world.