Where Can I Submit My Poetry? A Guide To Literary Journals And Magazines

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Are you a poet looking to get your work published? Do you want to share your words with a wider audience and gain recognition for your talent? Look no further than literary journals and magazines.

These publications offer a platform for emerging and established poets alike to showcase their work and connect with readers and other writers.

But with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s where this guide comes in.

We’ll walk you through the process of researching literary journals and magazines, preparing your poetry for submission, and submitting your work.

Plus, we’ll offer tips for dealing with rejection and celebrating your successes along the way.

So let’s dive in and get your poetry out into the world.

Key Takeaways

  • Research and find literary journals and magazines that align with your style and subject matter
  • Read submission guidelines carefully and follow them exactly
  • Edit and polish your work thoroughly, checking for grammatical errors and inconsistencies
  • Use rejection as motivation to keep writing and improving your craft

Research Literary Journals and Magazines

You’ll want to research literary journals and magazines that align with your style and subject matter to increase your chances of getting published.

There are many ways to do this. You can start by looking at lists of literary magazines online or in writing guidebooks. You can also ask other writers or writing communities for recommendations.

Additionally, many literary journals and magazines have websites where they provide information about their submission guidelines, as well as sample poems or stories that have been published in the past.

Finding opportunities to submit your poetry can be a daunting task, but taking the time to research the literary journals and magazines that are a good fit for your writing can greatly increase your chances of getting published.

Remember to carefully read the submission guidelines and follow them exactly. Also, be patient and persistent. It may take some time to find the right publication for your work, but with perseverance and a little luck, you could become a published poet.

contacting publishing companies to submit poetry
Contacting publishing companies to submit poetry

Prepare Your Poetry for Submission

To prepare your poetry for submission, you need to review and edit your work thoroughly. This means checking for grammatical errors and inconsistencies and making sure your poem is polished and refined.

You also need to format your poetry properly according to the guidelines of the literary journal or magazine you’re submitting to. Additionally, write a cover letter that showcases your writing style and credentials.

Remember to use contractions throughout your work to make it more conversational and engaging.

Review and Edit Your Work

Once you’ve finished writing your poem, take some time to review and edit it to ensure it’s polished and ready to submit to literary journals and magazines. It’s important to approach the editing process with a critical eye and a willingness to make changes to improve the overall quality of your work.

One effective strategy is to read your poem aloud and pay attention to the flow and rhythm of the language. Are there any awkward phrases or stilted lines that could be reworded for better clarity and impact?

Another important consideration is the overall structure and organization of the poem. Is there a clear beginning, middle, and end? Are there any tangents or unnecessary details that could be removed to streamline the message?

Don’t be afraid to seek feedback and critique from other writers or trusted friends. Sometimes an outside perspective can help you identify areas for improvement and strengthen your writing.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a poem that resonates with readers and leaves a lasting impression.

Format Your Poetry Properly

When formatting your poetry, it’s important to create a visually appealing piece that draws the reader in and enhances the overall experience. One of the most important poetry formatting tips is to use proper spacing between lines and stanzas. This helps to break up the poem into manageable sections and makes it easier for the reader to follow along.

When it comes to line breaks, be sure to break lines where there’s a natural pause in the poem. This’ll help to create a flow that’s easy to read and understand.

Another common poetry mistake to avoid is using too many fonts or font sizes. Choose one font and size for the entire poem to maintain consistency and make it easier on the reader’s eyes.

Additionally, be mindful of punctuation and capitalization. While poetry often allows for creative license, it’s important to ensure that punctuation’s used properly and that capitalization’s consistent.

By following these poetry formatting tips and avoiding common mistakes, you’ll be able to create a visually appealing and easy-to-read piece that’ll capture the attention of literary journals and magazines.

Write a Cover Letter

Crafting an effective cover letter is essential for grabbing the attention of potential publishers and showcasing your unique voice and style, all while conveying your passion for the written word. Your cover letter is an opportunity to sell yourself and your work, so take your time to craft it carefully.

Start by addressing the editor by name and personalizing your introduction. Show that you’ve done your research and are familiar with the publication you’re submitting to. Mention why you believe your work would be a good fit for their publication, and highlight any relevant experience or accomplishments that make you stand out.

Writing a cover letter to submit to literary journals and magazines
Writing a cover letter to submit to literary journals and magazines

In the body of your letter, be sure to include a brief summary of your work and its themes, as well as any important context or inspiration behind it. This will help the editor to quickly understand what your work is about and why it might be of interest to their readers.

Finally, close your letter with a polite thank you and a call to action, encouraging the editor to consider your work for publication. Remember, a well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in getting your work noticed by literary journals and magazines.

Submit Your Poetry

You can submit your poetry to literary journals and magazines by following their submission guidelines and formatting your work properly. Here are some tips on how to do it right:

  • Look for literary journals and magazines that publish poetry and are a good fit for your style and themes.
  • Read their submission guidelines carefully and follow them to the letter. Many publications have specific requirements for formatting, length, and genre.
  • Make sure your work is polished and edited before submitting it. Typos and grammar mistakes can hurt your chances of being accepted.
  • Be patient and persistent. It can take a while to hear back from editors, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t receive a response right away. Keep submitting and improving your craft.

Submitting your poetry can be a challenging but rewarding process. By finding the right publications, following their guidelines, and presenting your work in the best possible light, you can increase your chances of getting published and sharing your voice with the world. Good luck!

Tips for Dealing with Rejection

Don’t let rejection discourage you; it’s a normal part of the writing process and can provide valuable feedback for improvement. Dealing with disappointment is tough, but it’s important to remember that even the most successful writers have faced rejection.

Instead of dwelling on the disappointment, use it as motivation to keep writing and improving your craft. One way to find motivation after rejection is to remind yourself of your goals and why you love writing. Take some time to reflect on your passion for poetry and the reasons why you started writing in the first place.

Consider reaching out to other writers or joining a writing group for support and encouragement. Remember that rejection doesn’t define you as a writer and that every submission is a learning experience.

Keep writing, keep submitting, and never give up on your dreams.

Celebrate Your Successes

As a writer, it is crucial to celebrate your successes along your literary journey. When you have your poetry published in a literary journal or magazine, it is a significant accomplishment that deserves recognition.

Share your published work with others, whether it’s friends, family, or fellow writers, and allow yourself to take pride in your accomplishments. Celebrating your successes not only boosts your confidence but also serves as a reminder of your talent and dedication.

Use these moments as building blocks for your writing career, and let them fuel your motivation to keep writing and submitting your work.

Each success, no matter how small, is a valuable step towards achieving your goals as a writer. Embrace these milestones, and let them serve as a reminder of your progress and the potential that lies ahead in your literary endeavors.

Share Your Published Work

Once you’ve had your poetry published, it’s time to spread the word and let others know about your latest work through social media and word of mouth. Sharing your published work can help showcase your talent and potentially lead to more opportunities in the future.

sharing a poetry in an open mic night
Sharing poetry in an open mic night

Here are three ways to share your published poetry:

  1. Utilize social media: Share your published work on your personal social media accounts or create a separate author page to share your work with a wider audience. Use relevant hashtags to reach a larger audience and connect with other poets and writers.
  2. Attend open mic nights: Attend local open mic nights or poetry slams to share your work with live audiences. This can be a great way to connect with other poets and gain exposure to your work.
  3. Collaborate with others: Collaborate with other poets, artists, or musicians to create unique projects that showcase your poetry in new and innovative ways. This can help expand your audience and showcase your creativity beyond just written work.

Use Your Successes to Build Your Writing Career

You can use your published work as a launchpad to jumpstart your writing career. By leveraging your successes, you can attract more opportunities and build your audience.

Networking opportunities abound in the literary world, and it’s important to take advantage of them. Attend literary events, book signings, and conferences to meet fellow writers, editors, and publishers. Building relationships with these people can open doors for future publications and collaborations.

Building your brand is also essential for a successful writing career. Use your published work to showcase your unique voice and style. Create a website or blog to share your work and connect with your audience. Utilize social media to promote your writing and engage with your followers.

By consistently putting yourself out there and building your brand, you can establish yourself as a reputable writer and attract even more opportunities for success.

Keep Writing and Submitting

Now that you’ve achieved some writing success, it’s important to keep the momentum going. Don’t rest on your laurels; instead, use your successes as motivation to keep writing and submitting.

Remember that the publishing world is constantly changing, so staying persistent is key. Keep up with new literary journals and magazines, and don’t be afraid to try submitting to new publications.

As you continue to write and submit, it’s important to find inspiration and keep your creative juices flowing. Attend writing workshops or conferences, read other poets’ work, and seek out new experiences to fuel your writing.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and topics, and always be open to feedback and critique. With determination and a willingness to learn and grow, you can continue to build your writing career and find success in the literary world.

Here are some tips on where to submit your poems


Submitting your poetry can be a daunting process, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can increase your chances of success.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a successful poetry career. You may face rejection along the way, but don’t let it discourage you.

Keep submitting your work and refining your craft. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. So, keep at it and don’t give up.

Who knows, you may just be the next big thing in the poetry world. As they say, ‘The sky’s the limit.’ …and with dedication and effort, you can soar beyond it.

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Jessica started off as an avid book reader. After reading one too many romance novels (really... is it ever really enough?), she decided to jump to the other side and started writing her own stories. She now shares what she has learned (the good and the not so good) here at When You Write, hoping she can inspire more up and coming wordsmiths to take the leap and share their own stories with the world.