How to Write a Bio That Stands Out

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how to write a bio that stands out

As budding writers, we all understand the nuance of storytelling, but what about when we try and tell our own story? How can we promote ourselves while keeping it succinct and without wafting on?

Well, with the right approach, anyone can craft an effective and engaging introduction of themselves! 

Whether you need it for a job application or your author profile on your website, this article will show you how to write a memorable bio that people won’t forget.

We all have our own unique stories, so why not share yours in a way that does you justice? A well-written bio is an opportunity to inform readers about who you are – both professionally and personally. It’s also an excellent way to showcase your achievements in concise yet persuasive language.

With some creativity and attention to detail, your bio can stand out from the crowd and make an impactful first impression.

Table Of Contents show

Definition of a bio and why do you need one?

First off, let’s cover what a bio is… A bio (short for biography) is a short description of who you are, what you do, and why you do it. It is a concise summary of your professional or personal background that can be used on various platforms, such as social media, websites, or business cards. 

Bios come in many forms and lengths, depending on the purpose and audience, but the main key is to highlight your unique selling points and make a memorable impression.

Having a bio is important for several reasons, it allows you to introduce yourself and establish your credibility or expertise in a particular field. A well-crafted bio can make a strong first impression and grab the attention of potential clients, employers, or collaborators. 

The main goal of a bio is to provide a concise and compelling introduction to the person, showcasing their unique selling points and establishing their credibility or expertise in a particular field. They come in many forms and lengths, ranging from a few sentences to several paragraphs or pages, depending on the purpose and audience.

Overall, a bio can help you stand out from the crowd and differentiate yourself from competitors. By highlighting your unique skills, experiences, or achievements, you can showcase your value proposition and demonstrate why you are the right fit for a particular opportunity.

Importance of having a bio

Having a bio is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, it allows you to introduce yourself to others and convey your professional or personal identity in a clear and concise way. This can be particularly important in situations where you need to establish your credibility or expertise, such as when you’re applying for a job or pitching a project.

In addition, having a well-crafted bio can help you stand out from the crowd from others who have similar backgrounds or qualifications. By highlighting your unique selling points, such as your skills, experiences, or achievements, you can showcase why you are the right fit for a particular opportunity or audience.

A bio can also serve as a powerful personal branding tool, helping you to establish a consistent and memorable online presence that aligns with your professional or personal goals. By crafting a compelling and authentic narrative about yourself, you can create a lasting impression on your audience and build trust and rapport with them over time.

Ultimately, having a bio is a crucial element of effective communication and self-promotion. Whether you’re a business owner, artist, entrepreneur, or job seeker, investing time and effort into creating a strong and impactful bio can pay off in many ways, from boosting your visibility and credibility to opening up new opportunities and collaborations

writing a bio for a business website
A woman writing a bio for her business website

Where to use a bio

Bios can be used in various contexts and platforms, both online and offline. Here are some examples of where you might want to use a bio:

  1. Social media profiles: Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram often have a dedicated space for bios, which allows you to introduce yourself to your followers and establish your personal brand.
  2. Business websites: If you own a business or offer a service, having a bio on your website can help potential customers or clients learn more about your background and expertise.
  3. Author pages: If you’re a writer or an author, having a bio on your book or blog can help readers understand your perspective and connect with your work.
  4. Professional profiles: When you’re applying for a job or networking with other professionals, having a strong bio on your resume or LinkedIn profile can help you stand out and showcase your qualifications and achievements.
  5. Speaking engagements: When you’re invited to give a talk or a presentation, having a bio on the event website or the introduction can help establish your authority and credibility with the audience.

In general, bios can be used anywhere where you want to introduce yourself to others and make a positive impression. The key is to adapt your bio to the specific context and audience and to highlight your unique selling points in a way that resonates with your readers or listeners.

What to include in a bio

When crafting a bio, it’s important to include relevant information that highlights your strengths, accomplishments, and personality. Here are some elements that you might want to consider including:

  1. Your name and title: Start with your full name and job title or area of expertise. This can help establish your authority and credibility right from the start.
  2. Your background and experience: Provide a brief overview of your education, training, and professional background. Highlight any relevant experience or skills that you have that are relevant to your audience.
  3. Your achievements and awards: If you have received any notable awards, recognition, or achievements in your field, be sure to mention them. This can help establish your expertise and credibility in the eyes of your audience.
  4. Your values and personality: Consider including a sentence or two about your personal values or interests. This can help readers or listeners connect with you on a more personal level and understand what makes you unique.
  5. Your current projects or goals: If you are currently working on any projects or have specific goals in your career or personal life, consider mentioning them. This can help establish your focus and direction, and showcase your drive and ambition.
  6. Your call to action: If you want to encourage your audience to take a specific action, such as contacting you, following you on social media, or visiting your website, be sure to include a clear call to action at the end of your bio.

Ultimately, the key is to focus on the most relevant and compelling information that will help you achieve your goals, whether it’s establishing your expertise, building your personal brand, or connecting with your audience.

writing a long bio
Writing a long bio for a page

How long should your bio be?

The length of your bio can vary depending on the context and platform where it will be used. Generally, a bio should be concise and to-the-point, while still providing enough information to establish your credibility and personality.

For social media profiles or personal websites, a bio of one to two paragraphs is usually sufficient. This allows you to provide a brief overview of your background, interests, and values, without overwhelming your audience with too much information.

On the other hand, for professional profiles or resumes, a slightly longer bio of up to 500 words may be appropriate. This allows you to go into more detail about your education, experience, and achievements, and to provide a more comprehensive overview of your qualifications.

The key is to focus on quality over quantity. Your bio should be engaging and informative, and should provide a clear sense of who you are and what you have to offer. 

If you can achieve that in a few sentences, great! If you need a bit more space to do so, that’s fine too. Just make sure to keep your audience in mind, and to use your bio to make a positive and memorable impression.

Writing a professional bio: templates and examples

When it comes to writing a professional bio, the stakes can be higher. Your bio is often the first introduction that potential clients, employers, or collaborators will have to you, so it’s important to make it count. A well-crafted professional bio can help establish your expertise, showcase your accomplishments, and set you apart from your competition.

One way to ensure that your professional bio hits all the right notes is to use a template or example as a starting point. Templates and examples can help guide you through the process of crafting a bio that is professional, engaging, and effective. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out, there are plenty of resources available to help you create a bio that represents you and your work in the best possible light.

Professional bio templates
A woman writing a professional bio

Professional bio templates

Here are a few professional bio templates that you can use as a starting point:

The short and sweet template: 

[Name] is a [profession] with [number] years of experience in [industry]. [He/She] has worked with [company names], and specializes in [skill or area of expertise]. [He/She] is passionate about [related interest or goal], and is committed to [related value or mission].

The longer, more detailed template: 

[Name] is a [profession] with over [number] years of experience in [industry]. [He/She] has worked with a range of clients and companies, including [company names], and has developed expertise in [skill or area of expertise]. [He/She] is particularly interested in [related interest or goal], and is committed to [related value or mission].

In addition to [profession], [Name] is also involved in [related or personal projects], and has been recognized for [accomplishments or awards]. [He/She] holds a [degree or certification] from [university or institution], and is a member of [professional organizations or affiliations].

When [he/she] is not working, [Name] enjoys [related hobbies or interests], and is actively involved in [community or volunteer work].

The narrative template: 

[Name] has always been passionate about [related interest or goal] and has pursued that passion through [related education or experience]. After [key experience or turning point], [he/she] realized that [related realization or insight], and has since dedicated [his/her] career to [related value or mission].

As a [profession], [Name] has worked with [company names], and has developed expertise in [skill or area of expertise]. [He/She] is committed to [related value or mission], and is always looking for new ways to [related goal or improvement].

In [his/her] free time, [Name] enjoys [related hobbies or interests], and is actively involved in [community or volunteer work]. [He/She] believes that [related belief or philosophy], and strives to live that out in [his/her] personal and professional life.

These are just a few examples of professional bio templates that you can use as a starting point. Remember, the key is to highlight your expertise, accomplishments, and values in a way that is engaging and professional. Customize these templates to fit your own unique voice and perspective, and you’ll be on your way to creating a bio that stands out.

Examples of professional bios
Writing a professional bio

Examples of professional bios

Here are a few examples of professional bios:

Professional Bio Example Bio 1

Jane Smith, Marketing Director Jane Smith is a seasoned marketing professional with over 10 years of experience in the industry. She has worked with a variety of clients and companies, including Fortune 500 companies and startups. Jane specializes in content marketing, social media strategy, and brand development. She is passionate about helping companies tell their stories in a compelling and authentic way.

In addition to her work in marketing, Jane is also an avid traveler and photographer. She has visited over 20 countries and loves capturing the beauty of different cultures through her lens. Jane holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from the University of Texas at Austin.

Professional Bio Example Bio 2

John Doe, Software Developer John Doe is a software developer with a passion for building innovative solutions. He has over 8 years of experience in the field, and has worked on projects for companies ranging from small startups to large corporations. John specializes in front-end development, and is an expert in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

In his free time, John enjoys tinkering with new technologies and experimenting with different programming languages. He is also an active member of his local tech community, and frequently participates in hackathons and other programming events. John holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Stanford University.

Professional Bio Example Bio 3

Sarah Johnson, Nonprofit Executive Sarah Johnson is a nonprofit executive with a commitment to making a positive impact in her community. She has over 15 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, and has worked with organizations focused on everything from education to environmental conservation. Sarah specializes in strategic planning, fundraising, and community engagement.

Outside of her work in the nonprofit sector, Sarah is an avid runner and yoga practitioner. She believes that staying active is essential to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Sarah holds a Master’s degree in Nonprofit Management from the University of California, Los Angeles.

These are just a few examples of professional bios that showcase different backgrounds, experiences, and interests. Use these as inspiration to craft your own unique professional bio that highlights your strengths and accomplishments.

Writing in the first-person or third-person

When it comes to writing a professional bio, the choice between first-person and third-person can depend on the context and purpose of the bio.

In general, a third-person bio can give a more objective and professional tone, which can be beneficial for job applications or websites. It also allows for a level of detachment from the writer, which can be useful when highlighting accomplishments and experience.

On the other hand, a first-person bio can create a more personal and engaging tone, which can be beneficial for networking or social media profiles. It can help the reader feel like they are getting to know the writer on a more personal level, and can also allow for a greater sense of authenticity and personality.

Ultimately, the decision between first-person and third-person should be based on the context and purpose of the bio. It’s important to consider the audience and the intended message and choose the style that will best convey that message

Tips for writing a professional bio

tips for writing a professional bio
Tips for writing a professional bio

If you are unsure where to start, here are some tips to help you craft a compelling and effective professional bio:

  1. Start with a clear introduction: Your bio should start with a clear introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and gives them a sense of who you are and what you do.
  2. Highlight your professional achievements: Your bio should highlight your professional achievements, including your education, work experience, and any notable accomplishments.
  3. Use concise language: Use concise language to communicate your message effectively. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand.
  4. Include your personal brand: Incorporate your personal brand into your bio by using a consistent voice and tone throughout your writing.
  5. Consider your audience: Your bio should be tailored to your intended audience. Consider who will be reading your bio and what they are looking for in a professional contact or colleague.
  6. Show, don’t tell: Use concrete examples to illustrate your professional achievements and skills. This will help the reader understand your expertise and experience more effectively.
  7. Edit and revise: Edit and revise your bio multiple times to ensure that it is error-free and effectively communicates your message.

By following these tips, you can craft a professional bio that effectively communicates your experience, expertise, and personal brand to your intended audience.

Mistakes to Avoid in a professional bio

When crafting a professional bio, there are some common mistakes that you should avoid to ensure that your bio is effective and impactful. Here are some mistakes to avoid when writing a professional bio:

  1. Being too formal or impersonal: Your professional bio should be written in a professional tone, but it should also be personable and engaging. Avoid being too formal or using technical language that may be confusing to your audience.
  2. Including irrelevant information: Your bio should focus on your professional experience, skills, and achievements. Avoid including irrelevant personal information or details that are not related to your professional background.
  3. Using cliches or generic language: Avoid using cliches or generic language that does not effectively communicate your unique skills and experience.
  4. Focusing too much on job titles: While job titles are important, they do not always accurately reflect a person’s skills or experience. Focus on the specific skills and accomplishments that make you stand out in your field.
  5. Neglecting to update your bio: Your professional bio should be updated regularly to reflect any changes in your career, experience, or achievements.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a professional bio that effectively communicates your unique skills, experience, and personal brand to your intended audience.

Writing a short bio: examples and tips

writing a short bio
Writing A Short Bio: Examples And Tips

Writing a short bio can be a challenging task, as you need to communicate key information about yourself and your professional background in just a few sentences. 

However, a well-crafted short bio can be a powerful tool for introducing yourself to potential clients, employers, or colleagues. 

In this section, we’ll provide some examples and tips for writing a short bio that effectively showcases your skills, experience, and personality. 

Whether you’re crafting a bio for your website, social media profile, or a professional networking event, these tips will help you create a concise and compelling introduction to your professional self.

Definition of a short bio

A short bio or a personal bio, is a brief summary of a person’s professional background, skills, and achievements. 

Typically, a short bio is limited to just a few sentences or paragraphs and is designed to give the reader a very quick and concise overview of the person’s experience and qualifications. 

Short bios are often used on social media profiles, personal websites, resumes, and other professional networking tools, and are an important tool for establishing a person’s personal brand and professional reputation.

Short bio examples

Here are some short bio examples to give you an idea of what a well-crafted bio looks like:

Short bio example 1

John Smith: Award-winning journalist with 10 years of experience covering international news. Currently working as a freelance writer and editor for various publications, including The New York Times and The Guardian.

Short bio example 2

Sarah Johnson: Marketing professional with a passion for branding and digital media. Specializes in developing creative campaigns that engage and inspire audiences. Currently serving as the Marketing Director at XYZ Corporation.

Short bio example 3

Dr. Jane Lee: Board-certified pediatrician with over 15 years of experience in the field. Passionate about improving children’s health through innovative treatment methods and community outreach programs. Currently practicing at ABC Hospital.

Short bio example 4

Alex Davis: Entrepreneur and business consultant with a focus on helping small businesses grow and succeed. Experienced in developing and implementing effective marketing strategies and managing teams for maximum efficiency. Founder and CEO of Davis Consulting Group.

Short bio example 5

Emily Rodriguez: Experienced graphic designer with a portfolio of award-winning projects for clients in the fashion, beauty, and lifestyle industries. Currently freelancing and accepting new design projects.

These short bio examples showcase the person’s professional background, skills, and achievements in a concise and compelling way. 

They provide the reader with a quick snapshot of the person’s experience and qualifications and are a great tool for establishing a strong personal brand.

writing a short bio that stands out
Writing a short bio that stands out

How to write a short bio that stands out

Writing a short bio that stands out can be challenging, but here are some tips to help you craft a compelling one:

  1. Identify your key achievements and skills: Think about the most important things you have accomplished in your professional life, and the skills that have enabled you to achieve them. Highlighting these in your short bio can make it more impactful.
  2. Focus on your unique value proposition: What sets you apart from others in your field? This could be your approach to problem-solving, your innovative ideas, or your particular expertise. Make sure your short bio emphasizes your unique selling points.
  3. Keep it concise: A short bio should be just that – short. Stick to a few sentences that capture the essence of who you are and what you do. Aim for around 100 words or less.
  4. Use an active voice: Writing in an active voice can make your short bio more engaging and dynamic. Use strong verbs to describe your accomplishments and highlight your contributions.
  5. Tailor it to your audience: Consider who will be reading your short bio and what they are looking for. Customize your bio to fit the needs and interests of your target audience.

By following these tips, you can create a short bio that stands out and leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

Using a template for a short bio

Using a template for a short bio can be helpful in ensuring that you include all the necessary information while also keeping it concise and engaging. Here is an example of a template you can use for your short bio:

  1. Introduction: Begin with your first and last name and a brief description of what you do.
  2. Professional background: Highlight your relevant work experience, education, and any notable achievements.
  3. Skills and expertise: List your areas of expertise and any relevant skills or certifications.
  4. Personal interests: Share a few details about your personal interests or hobbies outside of work that showcase your personality.
  5. Call-to-action: End with a call-to-action that encourages engagement or directs the reader to learn more about you.

Remember to keep your short bio focused and relevant to the situation and audience you are writing for. Use engaging language and highlight your unique value proposition to make a lasting impression.

Writing a personal bio: tips and tricks

writing a personal bio
Writing a personal bio: tips and tricks

A personal bio is a great way to showcase your personality, interests, and accomplishments. Whether you are building your personal brand or simply looking to share your story, a well-crafted personal bio can be a powerful tool. 

However, writing about yourself can be challenging as it’s easy to get caught up in the details or struggle to strike the right tone. 

In this section, we will explore some tips and tricks for crafting a compelling personal bio that captures who you are and what you stand for.

Definition of a personal bio

A personal bio is a written statement that provides information about your background, interests, achievements, and goals. 

It can be used for various purposes, such as introducing oneself on social media and creating a personal website are just a few examples. 

A personal bio often includes details such as education, work experience, hobbies, and personal values, as well as any notable achievements or accolades. 

The purpose of a personal bio is to give readers a sense of who the person is, what they have accomplished, and what motivates them.

Writing a personal bio in the first-person or third-person

When it comes to writing a personal bio, there is no hard and fast rule about whether to write it in the first-person or third-person. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and the context in which the bio will be used.

Writing in the first-person can create a more informal and conversational tone, which may be appropriate for social media profiles or personal websites. It allows the individual to speak directly to the reader and showcase their personality and voice.

On the other hand, writing in the third-person can create a more formal and professional tone, which may be more appropriate for a professional bio that I covered at the beginning of the article, or for use in a business or academic setting. Either way, it can help to establish credibility and give the impression of objectivity.

In general, it’s important to consider the purpose and audience of the bio when deciding on whether to write in the first-person or third-person.

tips for writing a personal bio
Tips for writing a personal bio

Tips for writing a personal bio

When writing a personal bio, it is important to keep in mind that this type of bio is more casual and expressive than a professional bio. Here are some tips to help you write a personal bio:

  1. Be yourself: Don’t try to sound like someone else or exaggerate your achievements. Be honest and authentic.
  2. Tell a story: Use storytelling techniques to create an engaging and interesting narrative.
  3. Use humor: If appropriate, inject some humor into your bio to make it more relatable and memorable.
  4. Consider your audience: Think about who will be reading your bio and tailor it to their interests and expectations.
  5. Highlight your passions: Use your bio as an opportunity to showcase your passions and hobbies.
  6. Keep it concise: A personal bio doesn’t have to be long. Keep it short and sweet, but make sure it still conveys your personality and unique qualities.

What to include in a personal bio

When it comes to writing a personal bio, there are a few key elements that you should consider including.

These might include a brief summary of your professional background and achievements, any personal interests or hobbies that might be relevant or interesting to your audience, and perhaps a mention of your educational background or any notable certifications or qualifications you have obtained.

Additionally, you may want to consider highlighting any particularly noteworthy accomplishments, such as awards or recognition you have received, as well as any causes or charities that are important to you and that you actively support.

Ultimately, the goal of a personal bio is to help your readers get to know you better as a person, and to understand what makes you unique and interesting both personally and professionally.

Examples of personal bios

A personal bio is a great way to showcase your personality, interests, and accomplishments.

Whether you are building your personal brand, applying for a job, or simply looking to share your story, a well-crafted personal bio can be a powerful tool. However, writing about yourself can be challenging, and it’s easy to get caught up in the details or struggle to strike the right tone.

In this section, we will explore some tips and tricks for crafting a compelling personal bio that captures who you are and what you stand for.

Tips for writing a bio for different situations

tips for writing a bio for different situations
Tips for writing a bio for different situations

When writing a bio, it’s important to consider the specific situation and audience you are writing for. Here are some tips for crafting bios for different situations:

  1. Business and professional bios: Focus on your skills, experience, and achievements that are relevant to your profession or industry. Emphasize your unique value proposition and any awards or recognitions you have received. Keep it professional and tailored to your audience.
  2. Personal bios: Highlight your interests, hobbies, and personal experiences that have shaped who you are. Be authentic and showcase your personality. Consider your audience and tailor your bio accordingly.
  3. Social media bios: Keep it concise and engaging. Use keywords and hashtags that are relevant to your brand or industry. Include a call to action to encourage engagement.
  4. Speaking bios: Emphasize your expertise and experience as a speaker. Highlight any notable speaking engagements and the topics you are passionate about. Use a conversational tone to engage your audience.
  5. Author bios: Emphasize your writing experience and any published works. Share your motivation for writing and your unique perspective. Be concise and engaging.

No matter the situation, it’s important to keep your bio focused, relevant, and engaging. By tailoring your bio to your audience and situation, you can create a compelling narrative that leaves a lasting impression.

Putting It All Together: Creating a standout bio

When it comes to creating a standout bio, it’s important to not only have a good understanding of what you want to convey but also to know how to put all the elements together in a way that makes sense and catches the reader’s attention. 

Just know that with a little trial and error, anyone can create a bio that truly stands out. In this section, we’ll discuss some key tips and strategies for putting together a bio that showcases your unique strengths and accomplishments, whether you’re crafting a personal or professional bio.

Determining the tone of your bio

When creating a standout bio, it’s important to consider the tone you want to convey. The tone of your bio should be consistent with your personal or professional brand and the message you want to communicate to your audience. 

Whether you want to come across as friendly and approachable or professional and polished, your tone can help set the right impression. It’s also important to consider your audience and what tone might resonate with them. 

For example, a playful and lighthearted tone might be appropriate for a social media profile, while a more serious and formal tone might be better suited for a professional bio on a company website.

How to make your bio memorable

To make your bio memorable, there are a few tips you can follow. First, focus on what makes you unique and highlight those aspects in your bio.

This could include your background, experiences, or personality traits that set you apart from others. Consider using storytelling techniques to make your bio more engaging and memorable. This could involve sharing an anecdote or personal story that helps the reader connect with you on a deeper level.

Another way to make your bio stand out is to use vivid language and creative phrasing. Avoid clichés and generic language, and instead choose words and phrases that are unexpected and interesting. 

Finally, make sure your bio is well-written and error-free. Take the time to proofread and edit your work, or even consider having someone else read it over for you.

A well-crafted and memorable bio can help you make a strong impression on potential employers, clients, or colleagues.

a guy writing a memorable bio
A guy writing a memorable bio

Showcasing your professional experience and achievements

One of the most important aspects of a standout bio is showcasing your professional experience and achievements. 

This can include your current job position, previous work experience, awards and recognitions, and any notable accomplishments or contributions to your industry. 

Make sure to highlight your unique skills and strengths that set you apart from others in your field. 

Use specific and quantitative language when possible, such as “increased sales by 25%” or “led a team of 10 employees.” This not only showcases your accomplishments but also demonstrates your ability to produce tangible results. 

By including these details in your bio, you can leave a lasting impression on potential clients, employers, or collaborators.

Adding personal details to your bio

Adding personal details to your bio can help to make it more memorable and showcase your unique personality.

However, it’s important to strike a balance between sharing enough information to make a connection with the reader and oversharing personal information that may not be relevant or appropriate. 

Consider including details such as your hobbies, interests, or unique experiences that have shaped you as a person. 

Additionally, if you have a personal brand or mission statement, incorporating it into your bio can help to tie everything together and create a cohesive narrative. 

Remember to keep the tone professional and avoid controversial topics that may be polarizing.

Using your bio for personal branding

Your bio can be a powerful tool for personal branding, helping you stand out in a crowded job market or online presence.

By incorporating your unique skills, experiences, and personality into your bio, you can create a brand that sets you apart and helps you achieve your goals.

To use your bio for personal branding, it’s important to consider your target audience and what they’re looking for. 

Highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and share your passions and values. Be authentic and let your personality shine through.

Also, make sure your bio is consistent across all of your online platforms, from LinkedIn to social media profiles – such as your Instagram bio for example. 

This will help you build a cohesive personal brand that makes a lasting impression.


Bios are like puzzles – they take time and effort to put together. But with the right elements, you can craft a bio that accurately reflects your unique story.

Don’t forget to draw on personal anecdotes or stories that make you stand out from the crowd. Writing your own compelling bio is an art form, but it’s one worth mastering if you want others to learn about who you really are.

So don’t be afraid of showing off all those special skills and talents! Let them shine through in your writing – after all, no one knows you better than yourself.

With practice and dedication, soon enough creating captivating bios will be as easy as pie for any writer.

Photo of author


Jessica started off as an avid book reader. After reading one too many romance novels (really... is it ever really enough?), she decided to jump to the other side and started writing her own stories. She now shares what she has learned (the good and the not so good) here at When You Write, hoping she can inspire more up and coming wordsmiths to take the leap and share their own stories with the world.