How to Write an Affirmation

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guide on how to write an affirmation

Affirmations are a great way to improve our confidence, mood, and outlook. Not only do daily affirmations help sustain motivation, but they are also good for maintaining focus in pursuit of our goals.

Daily positive affirmations get us into an energized and focused mood despite the chaos of the world around us.

Ever heard the phrase, “you attract what you think?”

To some extent, that saying is true and affirmations use positive thoughts that can attract positive and powerful results in our personal lives, relationships, and careers.

That’s right!

So, in this post, I’d like to discuss how affirmations work, show you how to write them, and tell you how daily affirmations can help you stay focused and achieve success.

Let’s get started.

What is a Daily Affirmation?

In simple terms, daily affirmations are small, positive mantras that you repeatedly say to goals and aspirations into existence.

These positive mantras are used to release negativity and feed the mind with positive statements and beliefs that help you visualize your success.

For example, to help you visualize success in your job hunt, you could come up with a daily affirmation that sounds like, “I am so happy, proud, and grateful for getting this job. It’s mine”


If you’re going through a lot and striving to overcome failure, your daily affirmation could be something like, “I’m successful and my soul is at peace.”

i’m successful and my soul is at peace.

These are simple statements with a powerful impact on your conscious and subconscious mind. A lot of successful people use daily positive affirmations to keep them focused on their goals—business people, musicians, athletes, and entrepreneurs have all attested to harnessing the power of positive daily affirmations.

The basic formula is simple: create a statement that puts everything you want into existence—speak your aspirations into existence by using the present tense.

The Power of Affirmations

Daily affirmations train your mind to feel empowered and supercharge your self-belief—it’s like exercising your body for a big marathon.

Powerful daily affirmations help eliminate negativity and pessimistic beliefs that might be holding you back. With affirmations, you are letting go of mediocre standards and beliefs and aligning yourself with limitless possibilities.

To simply put it, positive affirmations help you get rid of the “I can’t” attitude and adopt the “everything is possible” attitude.

There’s a connection between affirmations and the law of attraction—daily affirmations activate the law of attraction. But, how does this relationship work?

It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re a believer of this law, but you fill your mindset with positive thoughts and belief of success, the universe listens and throws positive circumstances or opportunities your way. You attract important people and resources into your life, making it easier for you to attain success.

As I said, it doesn’t matter if you’re a believer or not, this is how positive daily affirmations work.

And it’s the same thing with negative affirmations. If you repeatedly think and foretell negative outcomes, those negative thoughts will—somehow—become reality.

How to Write Affirmations

There are no rules written in stone for writing positive affirmations. However, having guidelines for writing affirmations is key to an effective positive affirmation.

Once you have a general idea of guidelines for how to write affirmations, you can create your own rules. In fact, it is recommended that you develop guidelines for writing affirmations based on what works best for you! The guidelines are just there to help get your creativity flowing in the right direction and give you an idea of how to begin.

The guidelines below will give you a good idea of how to begin:

1. Start with the words, “I am.”

i am becoming closer to my true self every day
“I am becoming closer to my true self every day”

When it comes to affirmations, these two words are the most impactful powerful you can use in your affirmations.

What we want to achieve is to change our mentality and physical state of being, permanently. When we use the words “I am,” we are confirming that we already have what we desire.

Do not sound like you want something, but like you already have it. You have to imagine that you have already acquired all the wonderful things you desire and you are grateful for having all those things.

2. Use the present tense

Affirmations do not talk of tomorrow or yesterday, they put your desires in your current state.

Daily affirmations are all about imagining the success you want and putting it in that moment and experiencing it as you’d if it were already a reality. This powerful imagination influences your subconscious and gives you an extra incentive to take immediate and industrious action to achieve your goal.

So, do not use any phrase that doesn’t concur with now. Do not use words like “in the coming week,” “Tomorrow,” “I will,” “next month,” etc. By using such words, you are telling your subconscious that achieving your goal isn’t a matter of urgency—you are telling yourself that you still have some time to waste.

Always write your affirmations in the now to develop an urgent craving for success.

i have gotten the job
“I have gotten the job”

Always say:

  • “I am healthy and peaceful.”
  • “I have gotten the job.”
  • “I am a successful writer and I have written many best-sellers.”

3. Keep your daily affirmations positive

Remember the connection between affirmations and the law of attraction? Yes, if your affirmations include negative things, you get….

You got that right!

Do not use negative things in your affirmations, even if you intended to have a positive statement overall. For example, if you want to affirm that your health will improve and keep including the ailment in the affirmation, your subconscious is repeatedly being reminded of the ailment, and you’re going to find yourself thinking of that ailment.

Do you think that your affirmations are having a positive impact?

The best way to go about it is to talk about healing and good health—talk about a healthy body, healthy skin, et cetera. That’s what you’re trying to attract because you want your new reality to be full of positive things.

You should also avoid using mood-altering words and phrases such as “never” and “impossible.”

4. “Your Daily Affirmations are for you

i am conquering my illness
“I am conquering my illness”

Always write affirmations for yourself, not other people. It’s a simple rule: only you can change what’s inside you, and you cannot do it for others like a religious prayer.

Speaking of prayer, I’m sorry if you’re an atheist, but I believe that saying affirmations and having prayed for your situation is a top-quality strategy.

Back to affirmations, you do them for you and you only. If, for example, you wish your loved one to get a job and they don’t align themselves with the opportunities, your affirmations won’t work. When one is using affirmations, they also do the needful to bring the goals to fruition. The affirmations influence your mind and behavior, but there isn’t much you can do to influence someone’s mind through affirmations.

5. Keep it brief

i am calm and i can handle any situation.
“I am calm and I can handle any situation.”

Your daily affirmations have to be easy to memorize and repeat. The shorter they are, the easier they are to remember and say. Hence, it’ll be easier for you to visualize your goals, and your focus levels will be higher.

Yes, I said the shorter the better, but that doesn’t mean that it has to only be one word; however, it’s important how your affirmation is a statement that makes sense and has a certain meaning.

It can be as short as: “I am confident and successful.” Or “I am calm and I can handle any situation.”

An affirmation should be short and sweet, containing only the words that are important (and no fillers).

6. Believe Your Affirmations

i am a powerhouse
“I am a powerhouse”

You must believe in the things that you’re affirming! This means that whatever affirmation you use should be something you really feel is possible and want to attain; otherwise, it’s just like a prayer without faith, it won’t work!

If you don’t believe in your affirmation, don’t expect other people to believe in it.

So, try to make them believable.  If you write an affirmation that you think can’t come true even in your wildest dreams, it—expectedly—won’t come true. You’ll end up with cognitive dissonance, a condition where your mind is unsettled because it simultaneously holds conflicting ideas.

If your affirmations aren’t believable, they won’t be effective, and—instead—they are more confused than before.

When writing an affirmation, it is best to focus on your thoughts and feelings rather than the specific content of the affirmation. This will help you avoid making affirmations that are too difficult or outlandish to believe in. For example, if someone says “I am a billionaire,” but they don’t actually feel rich at heart, the affirmation will not be effective.

There is no other way around it: the law of attraction requires that we believe in what we say.

7. Write about Something You Can Complement With Action

i am courageous and i stand up for myself.
“I am courageous and I stand up for myself.”

When writing an affirmation, you should not state your intention because an affirmation should be all about action. If someone says, “I want to make more money,” but doesn’t actually do anything in the pursuit of making more money, this affirmation will not be effective.

An affirmation should focus on what someone will do rather than what they want to happen.

How to Use Daily Affirmations

Take a look at the practical tips below and start setting your mind up to think positive, confident thoughts!

Tip 1: Know what is needed to bring affirmations to life

Take the time to get clear about what you want—if you want more money, make it more about how larger purchases will free up time for travel, or if you want more joy in your life, make it clearer that this requires taking risks.

The more defined and specific your wording becomes the more the subconscious will quit resisting and get on board with your goals!

Tip 2: Stay true to good affirmations

You don’t need to spend your time telling yourself “I am intelligent” when you know in reality that you are actually lazy. Staying true to the affirmations is really important because it gives us an immediate sense of achievement.

Tip 3: Use Specific Affirmations

A good way to do affirmations is to envision yourself in the affirmation. If it is about money, imagine having all the money you want. But if it is an affirmation for your health, imagine that you are healthy and running/walking/whatever exercise routine you enjoy.

Tip 4: Pair affirmations with images

Connecting mundane affirmation statements with a motivating picture will make the affirmations more effective.

Research has shown that sometimes this pairing can be enough to generate a behavioral change.

Tip 5: Make affirmation videos

Once you have some video editing software or a computer program for this, you can make affirmations videos with your favorite affirmations.

You can create dramatic presentations by combining quotes with visual images, using them to inspire you into taking action.

A guide to daily affirmations.

Examples of Positive Daily Affirmations

1. Daily Affirmations about a Healthy Life

I am healthy and peaceful.

2. Daily Affirmations about Knowing Your Worth

I value my time by focusing on actions that provide lasting results.

3. Daily Affirmations about Healthy Eating Habits

I eat healthy foods rather than junk food, the extra energy from eating healthily gives me more energy during the day.

4. Daily Affirmations about Relationship

My relationships are based on transparency and honesty.

Final Words on Positive Daily Affirmations

You probably know that persistent negative thoughts can lead to depression. And the reverse is also true—your mind feeds on your focused focus on positive events.

Affirmations are a very effective way to change one’s mental state and thoughts about oneself. The larger your affirmations list becomes, the more effective it will be at reaffirming the positive thoughts you’re having.

The point of affirmations is to teach ourselves to recognize and accept the good in ourselves and our lives, but it’s a lot easier if someone else says it for us.

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Jessica started off as an avid book reader. After reading one too many romance novels (really... is it ever really enough?), she decided to jump to the other side and started writing her own stories. She now shares what she has learned (the good and the not so good) here at When You Write, hoping she can inspire more up and coming wordsmiths to take the leap and share their own stories with the world.